Report writing is a purely factual account or
It must have happened somewhere in the past. It is
written targeting the common mass and sometimes defined readers.
Common mass on General readers:-
This type of Report is written with no specific purpose and meant for every section of society. This type of Report is written in newspapers and magazines.
Specific or defined
Some contents are not meant for every category of people. These types of contents are meant only for specific people. These contents are rarely published in the newspapers, magazines or periodicals.
Here we shall discuss Newspaper Report

What is a Newspaper Report?
→A newspaper report must be factual. But the facts are
going to be accurate and true.
→ It must be concise but interesting to the Readers.
→ A Newspaper Report is written in ‘Third’ person.
→ A Newspaper Report takes place in indirect speech.
→ Sometimes it is written in a Passive voice.
→ The whole Report comes within a box. It must be within
125 words. (For xii-150 words)
Features of a Newspaper Report :
→ A Newspaper must have a ‘Headline’.
→ There must be the specification of date and place.
→There must be the name of the Reporter
→ The Heading must be aligned in the middle.
→ Do not put fanciful information. Be relevant to the
→ The total report must be based or rational thinking.
Coherence and justification.
→ It must not be partial. It must impart opinions of
different sides.

Subtle Analysis of the Format
→ The headline is the main key to an Article.
→ The headline must be attractive, interesting and
→ We need to avoid articles, prepositions in the
2. Byline :
A good article must bear the writer the Readers must
know who the writer is
→ Put the name just under the Headline.
3.  Opening paragraph: –
 This paragraph gives the total report in a nutshell.
→ here state the incident in brief.
→ Do not forget to give the day, date, and time of the
→ Refer  specific place of the incident with proper land
→Include the people related to the incident.
→ Specify the reason for the incident or course of the
4.Paragraph detailing the incident: –
→Here you need to present precisely the incident.
→ Keep in mind you need to put them in the
chronological order.
→ Facts must be given prior importance and no fanciful
or superfluous talks.
5. Paragraph supporting your report.
→ Here you need to put the information to support your
→ Put opinions of different people (If possible – quotation) to authenticate your view.

b. concluding Paragraph :
→ In this section put your relevant opinions about the incident.
→ Relate with probable future actions
→End with a reflective meaningful end line.